Thursday, July 17, 2008

A story to Georgia II

"Congrats, gal. You are in St Louis, now!"

Okay, I admit. I did insist on turning my steering towards the Arch. But, due to some psycological reason, and also the traffic, I kept on driving towards "the mission-Georgia". Gal, its just a humongous-silverly-curvy-shaped-steel sitting in the middle of the city; not a super leng chai, why bother to take picture with it? (trying to comfort myself for not taking pictures with the arch). Anyway, I continue driving...into the Interstate again...another part of two hours again...this time, entering Missouri.

Driving towards Missouri is slightly depressing. Half an hour ago, I was being surrounded with nice buildings, nice cars, and the humongous-silverly-curvy-shaped-steel. Now? again trees,grass,cars,trucks,roadsigns...and sometimes...cows. This part of two hours is full of yawning. I yawned zillion times. I did fall asleep three times (only), so I decided to take a break in a nice gas station. Tips for choosing the nice gas station with nice toilet: choose the exit with roadsigns printed with lots of gas station,food area, and lodging logos! If you see a walmart sign there, you MUST GO! normally, exit with walmart is huge and has nice toilets, generously. Or you can just go to Walmart for a short break; they have nice toilets, and cheap food!

Entered then, I already drove 8-9 hours. The sky is getting darker. I already planned to stay in this Super8 Motel in Clarksville, Tennessee. Looked at my map, another 2 hours then I can get to S.L.E.E.P! I drove...and drove...according to the map, I have another 15 minutes towards the motel. I just drove...15 minutes already!...but where is the Motel??? By then, the sky is already dark. OMG, I think I am the middle of darkness. I dont know what to do. I keep telling myself: dont panic! I called my friend. With her mutual companion, I drove all my way out of this dark place. And after driving (babi-buta-ly), I found an exit with LIGHTS and lots of shops. I have no idea where is my exact location, no idea how many hours spent in the dark roads, all I know is its already 1am, and I am exhausted. So, I just check-in to a random motel with free wireless. Thank God, the receiptionist is so nice, she gave me a two bed room with a price of single bed room, and the room is the nearest from the main door (maybe she sensed that I can barely walk that time. lol)

After getting in to the room, I switch on my laptop. Checked my exact location, KN...kansas? I am supposed to be in TN (Tenneessee)..NOT KN! Gosh, why I ended up in Kansas? Well, no point "praising" my "good" sense of direction, right now. Again, I relocate my directions to Georgia using Google Map. When I found out that I am not really far from from TN, I am so least, I just need to drive extra 1 and half hours to be back to where I am supposed to be- Clarksville, Tennessee. Okay, directions...set! Now, sleeping time, 03:00.
Tomorrow, another 4 parts of two hours...

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